
The subject matter of the article is the characteristics of learning styles of future air traffic controllers' practical learning at the basic training stage for the appropriate individual learning style formation. Besides, this study focuses on the adaptation processes of the future air traffic controllers' professional learning activities based on self-directed learning, conducted with the use of synthetic training devices in a pre-simulator training form, to the style preferences of students. The goal of the study is a method for adapting the future air traffic controllers' self-directed learning to the style characteristics of students during their pre-simulator training based on the proposed two-generic complex model of learning styles. The tasks: to explore some modern approaches to adaptive learning, taking into account the student’ style characteristics using computer-based learning systems and analyze the main models of learning styles; to develop a comprehensive model of learning styles for the future air traffic controllers' adaptive pre-simulator training and identify the key features characteristic of each style component in the context of future air traffic controllers' practical self-directed learning to make recommendations to avoid choosing inappropriate variants to implement individual learning strategies at the level of particular learning activities according to their inherent parameters of learning styles; to develop a general optimization model of adaptive learning to provide guarantees of the target practical skills level achievement by the future air traffic controller during a certain training cycle by adapting the content of the relevant individual learning strategies (selection of learning actions) to the students' style characteristics; to develop a conceptual model for adapting the future air traffic controllers' self-directed learning to their individual learning styles. The methods used are analysis, set and graph theory, optimization theory and mathematical modeling The following results were obtained. The presented conceptual model of adapting the future air traffic controllers' training activities to their style preferences based on self-directed learning can be applied in adaptive pre-simulator training, while providing the basis for determining the students' style characteristics to apply them at the stage of air traffic controller training in the "self-directed learning" mode". Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is as follows: for the first time, a model of future air traffic controllers' individual learning styles was developed, unlike the existing ones it considers the specifics of air traffic controllers' pre-simulator and simulator training and covers the students' individual typological characteristics in a wide range: from cognitive to reflective style dimensions. The presented complex two-generic model of learning styles systematically combines two levels of adaptation of learning activities to the students' style preferences – the level of development of professional competencies and the level of development of self-directed learning skills.

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