
We present the modern views of literature studies scholars, linguists and culturologists on the concept of irony in a poetic work. We analyze different ways of expressing irony on the example of contemporary Russian-language poetry by D. Nakipov. We center on material of the research literature on the analysis of the text poetics and lyrical poems of the Russian-speaking poet of Kazakhstan. Research methods: we use the method of continuous sampling to establish elements of irony in poetic texts; component and semantic analysis is used to determine the ironic meaning at various levels of literary text: lexical, grammatical, syntactic. Conclusion: in the works of D. Nakipov irony conveys the inner attitude of the narrator to what is happening, his mood and feelings through pun, antiphrasis, changes in phraseology, the use of neologisms, etc. Different ways of expressing irony create an ironic worldview. The ironic appeal, promise, readdressing, common-language and individually-author’s words and expressions with an ironic tone serves several functions (emotive, expressive, characterological) and passes several meanings (state, attitude, influence, characterization).

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