
The article is dedicated to the research of some historical and literature aspects of polemical work of the former Father Superior of St. Michael cloister in Kyiv Theodore Skumynovych "Przyczyny porzucenia Disuniey przezacnemu narodowi ruskiemu podane" (1643). The writer retraced the unity of Ruthenian church with Sede Apostolica at the time of separation of it's north and east eparchies and foundation of autocephaly of Moscow's metropolitanate. Accentuated the illegality of election of Ryazan's bishop Jonah by the metropolitan of Kyiv and the all Rus, on the score of in Kyiv's church occured the diarchy, Theodore Skumynovych substantiated the thought that legal protohierarchs of Kyiv, on the contrary of self-proclaimed schismatic metropolitans in Moscow, stayed Uniates. As the argument the catholic writer produced the example of appointment by the pope Pius II as the chief of Ruthenian church the Isidor's disciple – Gregory II Bulgarian. Condemning the schismatic trends inside of Kyiv's metropolitanate, the polemicist criticized the author of "ПАТЕРІКОN", who cast doubt in canonicity of hierarchal consecration of Gregory II Bulgarian and proved the legitimacy of the power of metropolitan-schismatic Jonah, whom refused to recognize the Universal patriarchate. According to Theodore Skumynovych, the uniate policy of Ruthenian church after Gregory II Bulgarian continued Misael, the priest-martyr Makarius I and Joseph I Bulgarian. The support by the metropolitan Misael of the dialogue of Ruthenian's church with Rome acknowledged the text of the epistle "Poselstwo do Papieża rzymskiego Sixta IIII od duchowieństwa i od książąt i panów ruskich w roku 1476". The uniate persuation of metropolitan Joseph I Bulgarian, whom Ukrainian polemicists not infrequently confused with Joseph II Soltan, Theodore Skumynovych confirmed by the letter of patriarch Niphont II, which the contents revealed in the work.

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