
The article examines various aspects of the Belarusian-Polish relations through M. Weber’s «understanding sociology». Relying on it, social actions with subjective meaning (value-based and rational as well as emotional) committed by the state institutions of Belarus and Poland from 2014 to 2021 are analyzed. There are two stages in this period. The first stage (2014 – mid-2020) is positive, marked by good neighbourly relations. The second stage (second half of 2020–2021) is characterised by hostility (hybrid war): Warsaw doubts the legitimacy of the presidential elections in Belarus, supports the Belarusian opposition, official Minsk accuses the Polish leadership of initiating sanctions and information attacks. The basis of this hostility is various value orientations and civilizational choices that determine the political practices of the authorities of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Poland. Tensions in relations were also caused by accusations of leaders of the Polish national minority of extremism by the leadership of Belarus, as well as different interpretations of historical events and personalities that are sensitive for Belarus and Poland. Based on sociological empiricism, the perception of each other by Belarusians and Poles is studied. It is noted that, despite the state of cold war between the official structures of Belarus and Poland, mutual sympathy is growing among the people of both states. It is argued that in case of an redesigning of power in Belarus, economic interests, cultural values, interests in the security sector, the state of public opinion will make it possible to quickly transfer Belarusian-Polish relations to the plane of pragmatism and utilitarian (mutually beneficial) agreements.

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