
In the context of the transition of the education system to the digitalization stage, Russian universities are faced with the task of developing and using new digital resources, tools, technologies and models of electronic digital learning, on the one hand, and finding optimal modes for integrating existing didactic systems with new digital platforms, environments, systems and processes, on the other hand. The author developed a methodology for studying university students’ perception of the phenomenon of digitalization based on a multi-level analysis of predictors of the informatization and computerization results achieved by universities. The paper presents the results of a multidimensional predictive analysis of assessments of the conformity of equipment, technologies, devices, gadgets, objects, resources, technologies and tools related, in the opinion of respondents, to the subject areas/processes of computerization, informatization and digitalization based on the author’s system of prognostic predictors – relative indexes of distributed in a two-dimensional array of vertical and horizontal indicators of mutual influence/activity/involvement of objects/resources/processes of computerization, informatization and digitalization assessed by respondents. The main research method was a digital survey, in which 369 students of various training programs of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia and Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping took place. As realized by the participants, the main basis of the digitalization process is the informatization and computerization processes. According to respondents, the computerization, informatization and digitalization processes turned out to be linearly related to each other. However, the study identified nonlinear deviations in bivariate estimates for a number of indicators. In particular, differences were found in assessments of some significant predictors among students of the humanities and communications and technology training programs.

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