
This article presents an analysis of the main indicators of social and economic development of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania for 2022 to the level of 2021. The main emphasis is placed on the problem of urgent tasks in the social and economic spheres of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania in the context of sanctions imposed by Western countries and the determination of ways to solve them. The main emphasis is placed on the formation of the regional budget, which in appropriate proportions is a guarantor of the financial, and therefore socio-economic stability of the region. Since the republic has a difficult geographical location, this is undoubtedly an argument to prevent an imbalance in the national security of the entire country. The article examines the idea of the emerging economic space of the region, which directly depends on the development of the industrial complex, scientific sphere and infrastructure. The obtained results can be used in the formation of project activities of federal, regional, municipal authorities in order to increase the effectiveness of management impacts on regional socio-economic processes, as well as become a trigger in attracting investments to the republic.

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