
The issue of uninterrupted power supply to remote settlements is relevant in many countries of the world, but especially in Russia. Modern autonomous hybrid power plants (AHPP), namely solar power plants (SPP), wind power plants (WPP) and other power plants using renewable energy sources (RES), combined with diesel electric power plants (DES), provide not only an increase in the amount of electricity generated, but, most importantly, they ensure uninterrupted power supply to consumers through a combination of renewable energy sources and covering the missing energy from diesel power plants. In the conditions of the northern areas of the Krasnoyarsk Region, this is especially important. ASPPs make it possible to reduce the cost of electrical energy by saving fuel consumption and budgetary subsidies for its supply to remote areas of the region. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the areas of application of autonomous hybrid power plants for the regions of the Far North with the possibility of establishing a differentiated social tariff for household consumers. To achieve the goal, load coverage graphs were constructed for Vanavara settlement; the parameters of the ASPP were studied for the conditions of Vanavara settlement; simulation of the operating modes of the ASPP was carried out; calculation of the main technical and economic indicators of the use of ASPP for power supply to Vanavara settlement was carried out; recommendations were given on rational areas of application of ASPPs with the possibility of applying special tariffs for the electricity they produce. The authors of the paper carried out a technical and economic assessment of ASUE in the Vanavara settlement with a capacity of 10 MW, including a solar power plant with a capacity of 2,5 MW. It was established that the cost of electrical energy in the first option when powered by diesel power plants is 36,75 rubles/kW.h. In the second option, the cost depends on the time of year and is 32,7 rubles/kW.h in winter, 11.6 in spring, 6.05 in summer, and 12,2 rubles/kW.h in autumn, which makes it possible to establish a differential social tariff for household consumers based on a lower cost in the summer in the amount of 7–9 rubles/kW.h.

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