
The article describes the facts of anti-state riots in the army during the First Russian Revolution in the south of Ukraine. The author of the article tries to investigate the revolutionary spirit in the Russian army during the revolution of 1905 – 1907. The article highlights the active propaganda activities of revolutionary parties in the army divisions of southern Ukraine. The main attention is paid to the violent nature of confrontation between the power structures of the Russian Empire and the revolutionaries. The article provides instructions for soldiers to suppress the rebel population. The movement and location of military units on the territory of Ukraine is noted in article. The conditions for settling soldiers in new places after moving are described. The conflict of war ministry with other ministries is also described. The conflict arose regarding the involvement of soldiers for various tasks in a revolutionary popular uprising. Attention is paid to the negative attitude of the Russian army soldiers to the Jewish population, as well as the participation of soldiers in Jewish pogroms in southern Ukraine. The article provides examples of insurgent attempts to persuade the military of revolutionary ideals. This context describes the authorities' actions to prevent the convergence of soldiers with people. The author describes an attempt by the revolutionaries to kill a commander of troops by means of a planned attack using explosives. The fact of the uprising of the soldiers of the Kherson Disciplinary Battalion is described. In addition to the active actions of the revolutionaries, the article notes a passive resistance to the authorities, which is manifested in calls not to pay taxes to the treasury. Also, the fact of supporting the army of the part of the population that did not hope for a revolution in the state is described. The article provides statistics on the level of mortality in the military and emphasizes the increase in the number of ineligible persons for military service by healthy in the first half of the nineteenth century.The author notes that at the beginning of the ХХ century the Russian army was not the defender of the Russian people, but remained the guardian of the political monarchical model, its important segment of security.

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