
The article discusses the main directions of the export of educational services using modern distance technologies and digital services. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential of the modern educational industry for the export of tourism education using MOOC platforms and EdTech companies. As the main research methods, a meaningful express analysis and content analysis of open information resources were used, the generalization of the obtained factual materials was carried out using the method of analytical grouping. The article presents the following theoretical and practical results: it is shown that an ecosystem and a new educational reality - the educational industry - have formed in the education system. The main four modes of trade in services form the most common export practices in the field of education, among which cross-border trade in educational services using distance technologies is now coming to the fore. The growth of student mobility around the world, both real and virtual, stimulates educational institutions to expand new formats, including hybrid ones: offline and online education; online formats and EdTech-industries technically ensure the expansion of the export of Russian educational services; MOOC platforms provide infrastructure conditions for universities to implement the concept of “Open Education” and increase export potential. The article shows that Russian EdTech companies do not have any industry specificity of training courses offered on the market; training is also carried out outside the industry tourism context; Among the courses presented on the MOOC platforms, several courses in the field of tourism from foreign universities and only one from a Russian university were identified. Thus, the development of online projects in the “tourist” segment of the Russian education market can become a promising direction for expanding the export of educational services using modern digital technologies and MOOC platforms.

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