
This paper examines categories like “sex” and “gender” as potential attributes of poetic subjectivity in contemporary Russian poetry, primarily in the marginal cases where the sex and gender signs of a lyrical subject are relevant for poetic reflection and are involved in the deconstruction of the traditional “male/female” cultural opposition and the representation of genderqueer (or other non-binary) identities. Non-binary gender identities are contextualized by the co-relation between sex/gender, gender self-representation (gender expression), and sexual and romantic attraction, which implicate various combinations of masculinity and femininity as they define the identity of the lyrical subject. The paper discusses several non-binary identities such as the polygender homosexual lyrical subject (Gila Loran, Iashka Kazanova), androgynous bisexual subject (Nailia Iamakova), and the agender asexual subject (Marianna Geide).

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