
The article is devoted to the analysis of indicators and main directions of transfer of goods and technologies of dual use. The research was carried out using theoretical methods of analysis, comparison and analysis of statistical data. It was determined that currently the chemical industry is a high- tech industry that is developing most dynamically in the world, as this sector ranks second in terms of international trade. To deepen the understanding of the topic, the features of the chemical industry market in Europe, the USA, Ukraine, Asia and Africa were analyzed. A comparative statistical analysis of the volume of trade in chemical products in different regions of the world was conducted and the commodity structure of chemical exports as of 2020 was analyzed. It is determined that export control over the transfer of dual-use goods and technologies in the chemical industry is a multi-stage system. Activities in this area are carried out primarily to protect the interests of the state. Powers in this area are distributed among various government agencies. In this regard, there are a large number of legal acts governing activities in the field of export control. In addition to national legislation, there are a number of international organizations that carry out their activities on the regulation of export control. To analyze the functioning of the system of export control over the transfer of dual-use goods and technologies in the chemical industry, the used national legal framework and international agreements in this area were studied. Key issues related to the export and import of chemical products in Ukraine have been identified. The results presented in the article can serve as a basis for further research in the field of technology transfer and dual-use goods.

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