
The current development of territorial public self-government in Russia is characterized by a discrepancy between the rates of quantitative and qualitative transformations in this area. For example, an increase in the total number of territorial public self-government bodies is accompanied by a decrease in the share of these organizations registered as a legal entity. The author identifies two reasons for the current situation. One of them is that the leaders of territorial public self-government do not realize their contribution to the achievement of sustainable development goals of the municipality and region. And this happens due to the fact that local governments do not carry out the necessary work with territorial public self-government in this area. The second reason is that the development of the educational infrastructure in this area as well as the managerial training level of the leaders of territorial public self-government does not allow these organizations to use the existing potential for the development of their organizations effectively. The government authorities equate bodies of territorial public self-government with “ordinary” non-profit organizations and, when conducting trainings, do not take into account their peculiarities as subjects of territorial development. The development of the educational infrastructure in the area of territorial public self-government can contribute to a qualitative change in the situation. In the course of preparation and implementation measures for the development of the educational infrastructure, government authorities need to take into account the specifics of territorial public self-government in comparison with other non-profit organizations. Leaders of territorial public self-government solve the problems of their territory development, therefore, it is extremely important for them to prepare and improve their qualifications in the field of territory development management. On the example of the implemented project “People’s University of territorial public self-government” the author suggests possible directions of management training for territorial public self-government leaders.

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