
On August 14 in 2023 Valentina Novodranova, an amazing person and teacher, a terminologist and a specialist in classical philology, an outstanding scientist and the author of more than 260 scientific works published in our country and abroad, passed away. She was the founder of the field of research known as Cognitive Terminology. In her works, we can find insights on the properties of terms and their cognitive nature, on linguistic peculiarities as a means of access to the cognitive database of specialists in certain domains of knowledge. She wrote about professional experience and special kinds of knowledge used in some particular activity of a person and organisation of terminological systems, her ideas tackled with medical terminology and certain knowledge structures characterising this specialised sphere of activity. The most important thing is that it is impossible to describe language and cognitive mechanisms in a deep way without paying attention to dynamic processes in the language system and in close connection with the functioning of linguistic means in specialised discourse. In this article another sphere of interest of Valentina Novodranova is revealed - it is her profound understanding of the philosophy of human experience and cognition. It is connected with the recognition of true and reliable knowledge, thanks to which a scientist is able to achieve success in the cognitive and discursive perspective of terminology science, as well as to present the fundamentals of the source and development of medical knowledge peculiarities. Valentina Novodranova was the keeper of the traditions of the outstanding research school in Russia, which brought together friends from near and far, from home and abroad. A kind and beautiful woman, she was open to new discoveries, gave the joy of warmth and communication. We were always amazed by her tireless energy, her joy of discovery and her desire to share it with others, her ability to lead her students, colleagues and companions.

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