
RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST SCIENCE, 2018, No. 4, P. 285-291 LINKAGES BETWEEN STRUCTURE OF ANNUAL RINGS OF SCOTS PINE AND STAND DENSITY IN THE REGION OF CHERNOBYL ACCIDENT A. A. Belov All-Russian Research Institute of Silviculture and Mechanization of Forestry Institutskaya st. 15, Pushkino, Moscow Oblast, 141202, Russia E-mail: belov@roslesrad.ru Received 29 September 2016 We studied features of annual rings development in the stands of Bryansk Oblast polluted by radionuclides from Chernobyl accident. The evidence of relationships between zverage annual radial increment, average width of spring and summer layers of timber within an annual ring and stand density was observed in 80-years old blueberry pine forests. We found direct links between annual increment, and its spring and summer components, with average distance between trees. The stand density had the most pronounced effect on the spring growth of timber with the increment gradient from 0.204 to 0.244 mm m -1 . While in summer it varied from 0.038 to 0.066 mm m -1 . The contribution of the late timber in a tree-ring increased from 50.4-54.8% in the least dense to 72.5-75.8% in the densest stands. However chronic irradiation did not differ across the stand density gradient. Stimulation of the annual growth increment by irradiance was estimated from 50.4 to 51.9%. It contributed from 39.1 to 46.1 of the spring increment to 43.2-58.6% of the summer increment with 95% confidence. Keywords: Scots pine, stand density, radiocaesium soil pollution, radial increment, tree-ring structure. DOI: 10.1134/S0024114818040046 REFERENCES Antanaitis V.V., Zagreev V.V., Prirost lesa (Forest yield), Moscow: Lesnaya promyshlennost', 1981, 100 p. 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