
Abstract Submitted:January 24, 2014 1 st Revision:August 22, 2014 Accepted:August 26, 2014* 경북대학교 일반대학원 경영학부 박사과정** 경북대학교 경영학부 교수, 교신저자This study investigates the effect of technological and environmental factors on the cloud computing assimilation, which then affects firms’ performance. The technological charac teristics include cost-savings, technology use advantage, technology infrastructure, and technology compatibility while e nvironmental characteristics include partner cooperation, competitive pressure, environmental uncertainty, and business a gility. Furthermore, we examine inter-organizational trust as a moderating effect between environmental characterist ics and cloud computing assimilation. Data from a sample of 219 firms show the significant impacts of proposed va riables with exception of technology infrastructure and technology compatibility. The findings also show that inter -organizational trust has a significant moderating effect in all paths except the one between business agility and cloud computing assimilation. The implication of this study suggests a theoretical framework explaining cloud computing ass imilation and performance within inter-organizational environment.

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