
The relevance of this work is due to the fact that at present the problem of suicide among persons engaged in their professional activities in an extreme environment, which include the military and law enforcement officials, is of great concern to the public and the leadership, the Armed forces and law enforcement agencies in different countries. Most of the previous studies have shown that suicide among the considered category of persons adversely affects the combat readiness of the unit and may even lead to a negative attitude in General to the service in the army or law enforcement. In this regard, the authors attempted to analyze the positive experience associated with the prevention of suicidal behavior in the US Armed forces. In the course of the research General scientific and special methods were applied, which allowed to draw reasoned conclusions. Studying the positive experience of suicide prevention in American servicemen, the authors came to the conclusion that the military and political leadership of the us Armed forces not only realized the importance of countering suicidal behavior, but also takes the necessary measures to minimize the phenomenon under consideration. The authors also note that currently in the Armed forces and law enforcement agencies should focus on the need for commanders and direct managers of mental health of soldiers and personnel, including to mitigate the effects of combat stress. The practical significance of the study is expressed in the possibility of using in our country the positive foreign experience in the prevention of mental disorders and suicidal behavior among specialists of dangerous professions. Due to the urgent need to reduce the psychotraumatic impact of negative factors on the group under consideration.


  • Особенности предупреждения суицидального поведения лиц, осуществляющих свою профессиональную деятельность в экстремальной среде

  • Features of prevention of suicidal behavior of the persons performing the professional activity in the extreme environment

  • The relevance of this work is due to the fact that at present the problem of suicide among persons engaged in their professional activities in an extreme environment, which include the military and law enforcement officials, is of great concern to the public and the leadership, the Armed forces and law enforcement agencies in different countries

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10. The War Within

Preventing Suicide in the U.S Military: monographs / R. Payne S.E., Hill J.H., Johnson D.E. The use of unit watch or command interest profile in the management of suicide and homicide risk // Mil. Med. О мерах военно-политического руководства США по повышению морально-психологического состояния американских военнослужащих. «How do search engines respond when you Google ‘suicide’?» URL: https://www.dailydot.com/ via/germanwings-suicide-hotline/ (дата обращения: 21.09.2019). «FCC STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COMMISSION CONSIDER DESIGNATING 988 AS THE 3-DIGIT NUMBER FOR A NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINE» (PDF). Самоубийства в сухопутных войсках США // Зарубежное военное обозрение.

18. Military One Source
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