
The object of investigation in the present paper is the comparative study of the temporal system in translated and original works of Tarnovo and non-Tarnovo origin from the 14th century, published in the last decade. The study focuses on the parallel between the verbal system of the largely unresearched pre-Euthymian homiletic manuscript of six homilies “On the Seraphim”, translated by Dionysius Divni, and six works of the representative of Tarnovo Literary School – Metropolitan Gregory Tsamblak, which are genealogically connected with it. The following aspects have been studied contrastively: the paradigm of the verb tenses – Present tense, Past Imperfect, Past Aorist, Past Perfect, Plusquamperfectum, Future Simple, descriptive future-tense forms, Past Future tense; the unchanging infinitive; the verboids – present active participle, aorist active participle, passive participles; passive voice; conditional and imperative mood. Their similarities (conformity to Middle Bulgarian tendencies and Athonite influences) and differences (the degree of archaisation, individual style) have been inspected.

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