
The paper analyzes the problems of support for inclusive education on modern stage: rules and regulations, material and methodological support; special attention is drawn to the lack of people skilled in the techniques of training, education and psycho-pedagogical correction of the variants of deviant development and behavior problems of disabled children and adolescents. Another important problem is the low level of tolerance of all participants of the educational process towards disabled children. Despite the obvious importance and study of this problem, there are a few issues that require further elaboration. Expansion of the process of inclusion of disabled children into educational institutions in the regions is not only a reflection of the real current situation but also represents a real opportunity of gaining a complete education. The authors have shown theoretical aspect of this problem and evidence from practical experience. The results of the study exploring students’ attitude to teaching children with disabilities in secondary schools are presented in this paper. The authors offer a structural-functional model to support inclusive education which can be provided by the Centre of psycho-pedagogical and medical-social assistance at the municipal level; the peculiarities of organization and principles of work in order to support the inclusive education in educational institutions are revealed. The model includes the following components: psycho-pedagogical, medical-social support of children with disabilities enrolled in the educational institution; areas of activity of preschool educational institutions, general education institutions and secondary professional educational institutions implementing the inclusive practice. This model will allow coordinating activities of teachers, educational institutions and specialists of the center through organization of the educational process of children with special needs; to provide psychological and pedagogical support to all participants of inclusive education (children with disabilities and their peers, parents and teachers); to create an optimum level of psychological comfort in the educational institution that can implement the principles of inclusion, through the development of tolerance among children, teachers and parents.

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