
In the article the works of modern researchers devoted to the formation and development of teachers’ institutes in the Ukrainian lands of the second half of the XIX – beginning of the XX century are analyzed. Information potential of researches, kinds, subjects of publications is shown, the contribution of modern authors in studying of a problem is appreciated. Such methods of research as systematization of scientific literature, operationalization of concepts, chronological-system and problem-searching, structurally-comparative analysis of sources are used. The research is based on the principles of scientific, systemic, historicism, objectivity, the unity of historical and logical, theory and practice. Analysis of modern research has shown the existence of a significant experience of professional and pedagogical training in the teaching institutes of the Nadneprianska Ukraine of the second half of the XIX – early XX century. The authors of collective works and monographs, generalizing and regional publications have collected rich factual material, new sources have been attracted. There are attempts to holistically reflect the history of the creation, the state and activities of individual teachers’ institutions, their place and role in the system of pedagogical education in Ukraine of the period, determine the content, main trends and peculiarities of their administrative and organizational structure. The results of the work can be used to create research on historiography, the history of Ukraine in the second half of the XIX – early XX century, the history of pedagogy, the development of special courses on the history of education of Ukraine. Prospects for studying the problem are associated with the expansion of the range of scientific publications, the study of the periodical press.

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