
In the article the figure of M. Montessori in information and bibliographic resource “Outstanding teachers of Ukraine and the World” has been analyzed through the prism of historical and biographical researches. The basic principles of the author's pedagogy, their functioning in the Ukrainian educational discourse have been outlined. It has been stated that the pedagogical teaching of Maria Montessori is based on the ideas of free, environmentally friendly education and involves primarily the education of the child's independence, his or her comprehensive development. And the basic postulates of the teacher (such as creation of educational and developmental environment, connection with nature, constant study of the child's personality in activity, upbringing of positive feelings, self-worth, self-knowledge of the possibilities, development of self-discipline, self-organization) are the highest measure of pedagogical humanism to our days. A detailed characteristics of the main chapters of page “Biography”, “Bibliography of Maria Montessori’s works”, “Bibliography of publications about her life and activities”, “Full-Text documents”, “Photo Gallery” and “Educational institutions which works on the Maria Montessori’s system” were highlighted and analyzed. In particular, Maria Montessori`s rare editions "Orphanage. Method of scientific pedagogy"(1913) and "A guide to my method with the addition of R. Landeberg's article "Experiences of schools in England according to the Montessori method" (1916), which are placed in the funds of V. O. Sukhomlynskyi, and in the digital library of the SSPL of Ukraine (in the section "Full-text documents" are given full scanned versions). Rare works by Yu. I. Fausek have been noted: "Montessori`s grammar for young children", "Montessori`s kindergarten: experiments and observations for twelve years. Activity in kindergartens according to Montessori`s system". It is emphasized that the understanding of Maria Montessori's pedagogical ideas requires a broad pedagogical context, deep psychological approaches and special philosophical concepts that will be rethought and varied in different pedagogical systems for centuries, acquiring new meanings and paradigms. It has been proven that the personality of Maria Montessori in the electronic information and bibliographic resource “Outstanding teachers of Ukraine and the World” provides information support of historical and pedagogical knowledge, is the same educational content, that forms the pedagogical worldview, raises the spiritual level of future teachers, serves as a source base for writing scientific papers (master's theses, dissertations), developing separate special courses in pedagogy, consolidates creative approaches of Ukrainian and foreign educational historians. It is an important means of promoting the best achievements of European pedagogy in Ukraine.

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