
The article is devoted to the problems of analyzing the quality of life of people with disabilities in Ukraine. Th e purpose of the article is to carry out an objective assessment of the qua lity of life of persons with disabilities, taking into account the existing information support. Proposals are formed for full-fl edged surveys of this category of persons in Ukraine, taking into account the subjective assessment. Th e relevance of the study is due to the lack of suffi cient information support in Ukraine, both at the regional and national level. Th e analysis of persons with disabilities is carried out based on the available database of the State Statistical Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, State Employment Center and the Fund for Social Protection of the Disabled. Th e paper analyzes the dynamics of the number and structure of the causes of disability, access to educational services and the level of emp loyment of people with disabilities. Th e level of provision of persons with disabilities with durable goods that ensure their functioning in society is partially analyzed. Th e impact fac tors on the level of employment of people with disabilities are identifi ed. Th e classical regression method with the help of Statistica soft ware package is used to determine the impact of fac tors on the level of employment of persons with disabilities. Іt was found that the variation of employment of people with disabilities by 28 % depends on their access to higher education, in particular, the access of people with disabilities to higher education of full cycle of study has a greater impact on the level of employment. Th e results of the study showed that in Ukraine there is no comprehensive approach to the study of the socioeconomic profi le of persons with disabilities, which does not allow the formation of eff ective social policy. Th e paper proposes an author’s approach to the subjective assessment of the quality of life of people with disabilities and formulates proposals for assessing all aspects that form the quality of their life.

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