
The article has substantiated the pedagogical conditions for the formation of readiness of future educators of young children for work in a sensory enriched environment of preschool educational institution, namely: integration of humanitarian disciplines with the disciplines of methodological and practical training necessary for the implementation of further professional activities by future educators in groups of young children (stages of training – propedeutic and motivational; motivational and emotional component of readiness); ensuring of practical implementation of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the sensory enriched environment of preschool educational institution (preparation stage – activity; cognitive and activity component of readiness); activation of students’ creative potential by engaging them in interaction with children, parents, and colleagues, relying on various communication functions (preparation stage – communicative; communicative and creative component of readiness); modeling of educational situations aimed at mastering students’ reflexive design of sensory enriched environments (stages of preparation – reflexive, professional self-realization; reflective and participatory component of readiness). The pedagogical conditions we have chosen ensure the effective training of future educators in higher educational institutions and contribute to the formation of future educators’ readiness for professional activity, which has become an extremely urgent problem today. Key words: pedagogical conditions, professional training, educator of preschool educational institution, children of early age, sensory enriched environment.

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