
In this article, on the basis of materials preserved in the Central Archives of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the nature of the interaction of the general and political police in the Nizhny Novgorod province is recreated, expressed in the struggle against the constantly growing revolutionary movement in the difficult socio-political situation of the early XX century. The article reveals the problems and contradictions that arise when organizing a political investigation, making inquiries and studying political attitudes in society. The role and place of the general police in the mechanism of opposition to the radical intelligentsia both in the peasant environment and in the cities is determined. An assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of county and city police departments in ensuring state order during the period of emergency laws is made. The author comes to the conclusion that the general police, having become an appendage of the political police as a result of the reform of 1880 and the aggravated internal political situation, often acted as a weak link in carrying out operational work and making inquiries, especially at the county level, thereby failing to prevent large-scale agrarian unrest.

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