
The fate of Ukraine is intertwined with the fate of Poland to a greater extent than that of other nations. There are many alliances and friendships in Ukrainian-Polish history. On April 22, 1920, the Ukrainian-Polish union was concluded. Thus, the story of the Ukrainian regular armed forces ended. Ukrainian political emigrants in Poland in the 1920s and 1930s tried to take a decent place in the social and economic life of their place of residence. The authors deal with the issue of a Ukrainian army emigration to be found active in the territory of Poland in the interwar period (from 1920 to the outbreak of World War II). He shows the context and circumstances of its appearance in the Republic of Poland, as a result of the Ukrainian People’s Republic army activity and Symen Peltura’s cooperation with Józef Piłsudski. The authors characterize the way the army emigration functioned within the reality of the Polish nation covering various aspects, a developed cultural and educational structure among others. Based on a comprehensive analysis of modern Ukrainian historiography of the problem, the authors note the necessity of further historiographical research.

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