
In the article Liubov Linytska - performer of roles in the plays of Jewish playwrights (M. Sadovskyi's First Ukrainian Stationary Theatre (1909-1915)) an attempt is made to generalize the experience of staging plays by Jewish authors on the stage of the M. Sadovskyi’s Theatre in Kyiv. This theatre opened on September 15,1907. inthe rented premises of the Trinity People's House (now the Kyiv Operetta Theatre).There was no Jewish theatre in Kyiv in those years, so staging performances based on Jewish plays in the Ukrainian theatre provided an opportunity not only to watch plays by various authors and learn about their life, but also to significantly support the financial position of this theatre. But most importantly, smoothing the sometimes still antagonistic views of individuals, this action influenced the general development of mutual enrichment of the cultures of the Ukrainian and Jewish people, who in the Russian Empire were under severe national oppression.From 1908 to1915, M. Sadovskyi's theatre staged 7 plays by Jewish playwrights - God of Revenge by Sholom Asha (1909), Mirele Efros (1910), Love and Death (1910), Cannibals ( 1910), Beyond the Blue Sea (1911) by Yacov Gordin, Sulamif (1910) by Avraam Goldfagen and Queen of the Sabbath (1915) by Andzhey Marek.Melodramatic performances had a high ideological and artistic quality and were most successful with the audience - Mirele Efros by Y. Gordin and Queen of the Sabbath by A. Marek. Leading masters - M. Sadovskyi, I. Marianenko, L. Linytska, S. Pankivskyi,E. Khutorna, F. Levytskyi and others - were engaged in these performances, which were solved in the genre of psychological drama. They created an image that is psychologically true and convincing. The artist L. Linytska, who has already switched to the roles of mothers and elderly women, stood out with her skill. In her performance in these roles, the actress showed an absolute understanding of the nature of the melodramatics of the images she created and conveyed to the audience a striking artistic intelligence. The participation of Ukrainian actors in the performances of Jewish playwrights enriched their experience and improved their stage and performance skills.The successful stage performance of plays by Jewish authors on the stage of the M. Sadovskyi’s First Stationary Ukrainian Theatre made an extraordinary contribution to the general culture of Ukraine


  • Актуальність проблеми полягає у недослідженості як стану театрального процесу на Україні кінця ХІХ і початку ХХ ст., так і творчості драматичної героїні того часу Л

  • «Драматургія, яку мистецька критика 1910-х років не вважала за потрібне докладно аналізувати, а радянське театрознавство практично не згадувало, — твори тогочасних єврейських авторів — була, проте, широко представлена в репертуарі першого стаціонарного українського театру» [4, 134]

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Актуальність проблеми полягає у недослідженості як стану театрального процесу на Україні кінця ХІХ і початку ХХ ст., так і творчості драматичної героїні того часу Л. Яка зіграла заголовну роль Міреле Ефрос з великим вмінням і смаком. Василь Василько, очевидець постановки, у нарисі про Любов Ліницьку зробив спробу дослідити, як від першої до останньої дії в екстремальній атмосфері єврейської сім’ї змінювався і мужнів образ матері і господині, у відтворенні артисткою [2, 130–133].

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