
Objective: Optimization of the rates of overhaul runs on the basis of the results of the study of the distribution of failures of traction motors caused by a critical decrease in the insulation resistance of the windings to reduce the cost of eliminating the consequences of unscheduled repairs of locomotives. Methods: Mathematical statistics, probability theory, theory of reliability of technical systems are applied. Results: A cause-and-effect analysis was carried out of cases when locomotives were placed for unscheduled repairs in 2019–2020. An element has been determined that limits the rates of overhaul mileage of traction electric motors of locomotives. The theoretical distribution of failures of traction electric motors due to a critical decrease in the insulation resistance of its windings is obtained. The optimization of the norms of overhaul runs of locomotives was carried out according to the conditions of current repairs in the amount of TR-2 relative to traction electric motors. It was revealed that the failures are mainly associated with the first period of operation of traction motors. As a result of the analysis of the reasons for the failure of traction electric motors, it was found that most cases of unscheduled repairs fall on the first interval of locomotive runs due to the poor quality of repairs. In this case, the first normal peak of failures falls on the mileage in the modal interval from 156 to 234 thousand kilometers, when the overhaul mileage on TP-2 is 250 thousand kilometers, which necessitates its optimization within the preceding modal interval. Practical importance: The presented version of optimization of overhaul runs can be used to determine the rationality of establishing the norms for the periods of maintenance and repair operations on locomotive units under the conditions of a planned preventive control system for their technical condition

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