
Background: Palatal rugoscopy is the use of palatal rugae for identification of unknown persons. The majority of the population in Egypt consists of Egyptian people. However, some Malaysian people live in Alexandria city of Egypt for the purpose of education. So in case of mass disaster, there is a critical need for a reliable and easy method to differentiate between Malaysians and Egyptians. Aim: Study palatal rugae patterns in two diverse populations; Egyptians and Malaysians and its relation to sex and population difference. Subjects: Eighty students of Alexandria Faculty of Dentistry; forty Egyptians (20 females and 20 males) and forty Malaysians (20 males and 20 females). The age ranged 18-30 years. Results: Significant difference was noted between Malaysian males and females according to total number of rugae on both sides. Malaysians had significantly higher total rugae number on both sides than Egyptians. Curved shape was the predominant shape in the total sample. Significant difference was detected between Egyptians and Malaysians according to the predominant palatal rugae direction on both left and right sides. Egyptian females had significantly higher percentage of absent unification than Egyptian males. Linear regression models for sex and ethnicity identification were built up.

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