
The main approaches and principles of the development and formation of the database of lanslide processes within the territory of Ukraine are described. Among natural risks one of the most common are landslide phenomena, which lead to significant social and economic losses. Ukraine is characterized by active landslide processes within different structural-tectonic and landscape-climatic zones, which requires a unified approach to the development of a system of their assessment, inventory and monitoring with the subsequent forecasting, and assessment of the impact on manmade objects. The national landslide database is the most comprehensive source of information on the distribution of landslides in different regions of the country, and the main task is the input, processing, analysis and updating of information on landslides. The national landslide database consists of a series of tables stored and maintained in the relational database Oracle or PostgreSQL (open-source database). Use of ArcGIS10 provides the ability to display spatial information, store positional and non-positional attributive landslide data, and perform spatial analysis and modelling operations with the purpose of further prediction of landslide hazard at the regional and local levels.

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