
Based on the selected indicators - the provision of the population with medical personnel, their distribution by specialties in accordance with the calculation methodology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation - a study of the problems of shortage and imbalance of medical personnel at all levels of the public health system was carried out. The study involves the study of statistical data based on indicators characterizing the employment of medical personnel with higher education in the period 2010-2019. According to the results of statistical analysis, the provision of doctors in Russia decreased by 2.8% from 50.1 people for 10 000 people population up to 48.7. The same trends can be traced when analyzing the indicator in the Volga Federal District from 1. people for 10 000 people population up to 46.7 in 2019. The study of the provision of doctors by specialty in the Republic of Bashkortostan was carried out in accordance with the methodology developed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. As a result, a serious shortage of personnel was revealed for such specialists as surgeons, therapists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, etc., as well as a structural imbalance of personnel among phthisiatricians, traumatologists, orthopedists and endocrinologists. To solve the problem of a shortage and imbalance of personnel in the health care system, it is first of all necessary to change the approach not only to the methodology for calculating the need for doctors, but also to understanding the role and place of a doctor in modern society. The issues of regulation and training of medical personnel should not depend solely on market mechanisms, commercial demand for certain specialties. The provision of the population with medical personnel is a national task, therefore there is a need to create a mechanism under which students of those medical specialties will be trained on a budgetary basis, the need for which is dictated by the interests of the population in providing high-quality medical care and the capabilities of the public health system itself as a whole. In order to meet the current and future needs of this area, it is proposed to create employment centers at medical colleges and universities, as well as develop retraining programs for specialists with medical education in order to satisfy staff shortages in the healthcare sector and even out the imbalance in individual specialties.

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