
Critique and rectification mean to analyze and study the intellectual conclusions drawn by a person and make necessary correction and amendments to it. There are many examples of critique and correction found in Quranic interpretative text. Every interpreter of the Holy Quran have criticized old and contemporary interpretors and brought their interpretative quotes under discussion. Maulana Dhākir Ḥussain Sialvi wrote Jamāl ul Emān fi Tafseer-al-Qurān in Urdu in late 20th century. He is an eminent scholar, represents a school of thought. He has critrically evaluated translations of the Holy Qurān and tafseer works from other mufassreen. He criticized those who are not in line with his religious thoughts. He criticized many interprtations of the Holy Quran. In Tafseer Jamāl ul Emān, he discussed the interprtations of the Holy Quran by his contemporary as well as old interprtations of the holy Quran and pointed out their mistakes and misunderstandings. In this article some of these examples are discussed, moreover merits and demerits of Maulana Zakir Husain Sialvi’s critical and evaluations method have been addressed in this article. He has marked weak, correctionable aspects in interpretations.

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