
Summary. The article describes the methodology of conducting practical classes on module 5 “Reconstructive-Restorative Surgery of the Maxillofacial Area” for students of the 5th year of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine “Bukovyna State Medical University”.The aim of the study – to increase the level of mastering the educational material on the discipline “Surgical Dentistry” in the 9 th semester at the 5th year.Materials and Methods. We have developed a teaching complex, which includes lectures, practical and individual classes, and aims to improve the efficiency of the discipline “Surgery”.Results and Discussion. In the Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine “Bukovyna State Medical University” teaching “Surgery” at the 9 th semester of the 5 th year carried out by “cycle” in accordance with the curriculum according to the credit-transfer system. According to the standard curriculum for the study module “Reconstructive surgery, maxillofacial area” 165 hours, including 24 – lecture hours, 86 – practical hours and 55 – individual work of students, the number of creadits – 5.5 are given. For quality study subjects teacher and every student has access to distance learning serve “Moodle” that allows students to expand their knowledge.To facilitate the orientation of students in the curriculum course “Surgical dentistry” in “Moodle” placement schedule of lectures and practical training, thematic plan of practical classes and individual work appropriate methodical instructions, video material, tests.At the end of the cycle, each student must complete the final module control, which takes place after the completion of the study of all the topics of the module at the last lesson.Conclusions. Using this technique within the credit-transfer system is effective for teaching students of the 5-th year dental faculty students, promotes careful study of theoretical issues Module 5 “reconstructive surgery, maxillofacial area” makes it possible to curation dental patients with surgical pathology of maxillofacial area, writing medical documentation, carefully prepares students for writing an integrated licensing exam “Krok-2. Dentistry “and a state final exam, and also contributes to the ultimate goal of education – the training of skilled competitive professionals

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