
Goal. To determine the physicochemical andfunctional technological indicators of hemp, pumpkin,pea, and black omum plant flour. Methods.The fiber was determined according to DSTU ISO6865:2004 “Feed for animals. Determination of thecontent of crude fiber by the method of intermediatefiltration”. The study of the fatty acid and amino acidcomposition of raw materials of plant origin was carriedout by the method of gas chromatography onthe “Kupol” device. The pH value was determinedpotentiometrically, and the swelling of flour was determinedby standing a 1% aqueous suspension in ameasuring cylinder during the day at a temperatureof 18–20°C. The swelling was estimated as themaximum amount of water that the flour can absorband hold until the dynamic equilibrium is reached,counted in the weight of the sample. The level offlour hydration was determined by the amount ofbound water (flour : water ratio). The objects ofresearch were samples: hemp flour, pumpkin flour,pea flour, and black omum plant flour. Results. Thephysicochemical properties of hemp, pumpkin, pea,and black omum plant flour were studied. It wasestablished that hemp, pumpkin, pea, and blackomum plant flour samples contained 2.2–4.8 timesmore protein than wheat flour samples. The analysisof the amino acid composition of the proteins ofeach type of flour showed that the protein fractionscontained a complete set of essential amino acids,and their sum did not exceed the reference values.Conclusions. The obtained results of the researchindicate the expediency of using non-traditionalraw materials of plant origin for the enrichmentof functional meat products with micro and macroelements, and dietary fibers.

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