
The results of a study of the influence of various soil use methods on the humus content in leached chernozem under the conditions of the moderately arid and forest-outlier steppe of the Altai Territory are presented in this article. Soil sampling was carried out on the basis of experimental fields in the Educational farm “Prigorodnoe” and the FSUE “Komsomolsky”, Pavlovsky District. The following variants of soil use as traditional technology, minimum technology, perennial fallow land (18 years), virgin land (natural haymaking) are considered. We determined the humus content using I.V. Tyurin’s method, repeated three times. The article shows that the use of conservation agriculture technologies contributes to an increase in the accumulation of soil carbon, and as a result, an increase in soil humus content. It has been established that when using traditional soil cultivation technology, the humus content in the soil is lower against the background of perennial fallow land (18 years), virgin land (natural haymaking). During the experiment with traditional technology, we revealed the minimum value of the humus content in the subsurface horizon. When using the minimum technology, the humus content in the soil prevails 1.5 times compared to the traditional one. Adaptation of resource-saving technologies to the conditions of the moderately arid and forest-outlier steppe of the Altai Territory will reduce the intensity of mechanical impact on soils, improve the ecological state of agricultural landscapes and optimize farming systems.

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