
The purpose of the article is to determine on the basis of the analysis of statistical data characterizing the state of road injuries in Ukraine, the main causes of road accidents; conducting a comparative description of existing technical means of speed control; description of the specifics of the use of removable (mobile) vehicles with integrated systems for automatic safety control (speed mode) on the roads by patrol police units. To achieve this goal, scientific methods were used, such as critical analysis of special literature and specification of current requirements of regulations in the field of road safety to control the speed limit; systematization of knowledge (information) from open Internet resources and generalization of existing approaches in popular science publications to solve the raised problem in Ukraine and in the world. Results. The norms of the current legislation have been determined and analysed, which provide the possibility of fixing violations of traffic rules at stationary posts and in automatic mode. Such categories of current legislation in the field of road safety, as “system for recording administrative offenses in the field of ensuring SRT in automatic node”, “technical means (control devices)”, the procedure for their application in accordance with the law. A comparative analysis of the use of “phantom” cars abroad was conducted. The tactical and technical characteristics of domestic patrol police vehicles, which control the speed of traffic due to the built-in integrated systems, are characterised. Some legal collisions that arise when using the above-mentioned mobile devices to control the speed limit on the roads are concretised. Conclusions were made on ensuring road safety as a complex problem that requires participation in its solution at various levels of many business entities and executive bodies; different ways of speed control on roads (stationary and mobile technical means) are noted; highlighted as one of the innovations in this area the application of “phantom” cars with integrated speed control systems; the presence of such “phantom” cars disciplines drivers and requires to comply the traffic rules be them anywhere on the road network.

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