
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to study the influence of the method of growing mowed and grain-fed varieties of spring vetch in mixed crops with spring rape on the seed yield, yield structure, and seed sowing qualities. Method of research. Formulation of field experience and generalization of research results were performed in accordance with the methods of experimental work. Indicators that characterize the biological efficiency, competitiveness and aggressiveness of crops are considered. Results. Sowing of spring vetch with a seeding rate of 1.3, 0.8, 0.6 and 0.4 million germinating seeds per hectare in a mixture with rapeseed leads to the formation of a grain crop that significantly exceeds the yield for single-species sowing of vetches. Evaluation of the efficiency of arable land use (LER) shows that when using Vetch-rapeseed crops, the productivity of 1 ha of arable land increases significantly: by 1.9–2.16 times for the Krasnoufimskaya 49 variety; 1.89–2.02 times for the L’govskaya 91 variety; 1.82–1.98 times for the Lugovskaya 98 variety; 1.38–1.62 times for the Lyuba variety. The efficiency of arable land use is achieved due to the total interaction of both crops and their increased competitiveness in the agro-cenosis. When the seeding rate is 0.4 million per ha, compared with the seeding rate of 1.3 million per ha, the vetch aggressiveness coefficient, depending on the variety, increases by 1.59–2.0 times. Scientific novelty. In the conditions of the Middle Urals, high efficiency of vetch cultivation in mixed crops with rapeseed was revealed, and the influence of changes in the seeding rate on the yield and sowing qualities of vetch seeds was established.

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