
An relevant task of modern pharmacology is the search for drugs for the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes. The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs of the glucocorticoid group has a number of limitations due to pronounced negative effects. The use of herbal anti-inflammatory drugs often has a delayed effect. In this case, the anti-inflammatory effect is manifested in the later stages of the pathological process. For this reason, it seems interesting to us to use a solution of poison obtained from gyurza (Macrovipera lebetina obtusa) as an alternative therapy for chronic inflammatory processes. Earlier in our work, the ability of solutions of these poisons to reduce inflammation was shown. This effect was found both in native venom solutions and in those heated to 55оС. In this work, the effect of venom solutions was studied after a course of intramuscular administration. The criteria for anti-inflammatory action were blood counts in experimental chronic inflammation caused by acetic acid. Inflammation was modeled by injecting 0.5 ml of 9% acetic acid solution under the skin of the back and intraperitoneal administration of 1 ml of 10% Rheopolyglukin solution to white outbred male rats. Diclofenac in injections was chosen as a comparison drug. The assessment of clinical blood parameters was carried out on an automatic hematology analyzer BC 2800vet (Mindray). The positive dynamics of the course of the chronic aseptic inflammatory process has been revealed. A more positive dynamics of the course of the chronic aseptic inflammatory process was revealed in groups of animals receiving solutions of native venom.

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