
Relevance of the article. The most powerful emigration educational institution that trained specialists in the real history of Ukraine on the territory of interwar Czechoslovaczczyna, Ukrainian High (Higher) Pedagogical Institute named after M. Drahomanov in Prague (1923–1933) with subsidiary institutions (Maturation courses, 1923–1930, and Reformed Gymnasium,1925–1945), could not ignore the figure of the legendary chieftain (otaman) Petro Ivanovych Kalnyshevsky (1691–1803) in their own educational courses. The study of Kalnyshevsky's times lasted 4 hours (2 lectures and 2 seminars) and three lessons per week. Therefore purposes of this article are to show the ways and forms of acquaintance of Ukrainian émigré students and schoolchildren with the legendary koshovyj Kalnyshevsky; substantiation of the number of hours allocated to the study of the history of Cossacks in general and Kalnyshevsky's period in particular; characteristics of the compilers of educational programs (M. S. Hrushevskyi, D. I. Doroshenko, M. A. Terletskyi, P. V. Fedenko). The methodological basis of the study is a historically-chronological approach based on concrete-historical, problem-chronological principles, principles of objectivity and integrity, as soon as on methods of analysis and synthesis. The scientific novelty of the study consists in coverage the g process of studying the figure and time of Otaman Petro Kalnyshevskyi by emigrant youth. Conclusions. Ukrainian High (Higher) Pedagogical Institute named after M. Drahomanov and its subsidiary institutions (Matriculation courses and Reformed gymnasium in Rzhevnytsia Modrzhany), which were founded on the territory of interwar Czechoslovaczczyna, became flagships of "non-dissolution"and "conversion to Ukrainianism", main centers for studying and teaching the true history of Ukraine. Ukrainian emigrants (both teachers and students, maturants, schoolchildren) perfectly understood that knowledge of history would allow them to resist enslavement even more powerfully and defend their right to independence. They realized that history is the key to the interpretation of important events of the past; reinterpreted instructive stories from the lives of ancestors; analyzed the activities of notable historical figures, in particular, the figure of the last otaman and koshovyi Petro Ivanovych Kalnyshevskyi (1691–1803). M.S. Hrushevsky corrected Kalnyshevsky's period in the curricula of historians, but it was popularized among students and graduates by D. I. Doroshenko and M. A. Terletskyi. 4 hours were allocated separately for the study of Kalnyshevsky's times - 2 lecture and 2 practical. High school graduates studied Kalnyshevsky's times in several lessons. But the students of the Reformed Gymnasium in Rzhevnytsy Modrzhany, studying the life and activities of Kalnyshevskyi of Kosh, helped to solve the so-called "regional conflict" in the 1930s. The young generation of Ukrainians, both from the Dnipro region and from Galychyna understood on the example of Kalnyshevskyi and the realities of the activities of the UVO in Galicia in 1930–1934, that they can only rely on their own strength and adhere to a balanced good-neighborly policy.

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