
Purpose: to define features of the influence of training means in the preparatory period of an annual macrocycle on morpho-functional, power and speed-power indicators of armwrestlers of 14-15 years old. Material and methods. The following methods were used in the research: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical information; pedagogical observation; pedagogical experiment; mathematical and statistical methods of the research with the use of the licensed program STATISTICA 10. The study was conducted on the territory of Poltava region in Kobeliaky on the basis of the State PTUZ «Professional Agrarian Lyceum» from January to June 2023, in which 10 armwrestlers aged 14–15 years took part who trained according to a speed- strength program Results: according to the conducted research the results of the sequential experiment are presented, which state the increase of functional indicators of cardiovascular and respiratory systems at the end of the research, also there was an increase of power indicators in all ЄДИНОБОРСТВА EDINOBORSTVA MARTIAL ARTS 2024 №1(31) 13 © Безкоровайний Д.О., Камаєв О.І., Орлов А.А., Глядя С.О. test exercises, and the increase of power was reliable (t-criterion ranged from 2,25 to 4,21 at p<0,05). Speed and power indicators (time of reaching the maximum force, speed and power index, force gradient, force for 500 ms and time of reaching the force of 1 kg) tended to improve, but reliable changes took place only in force for 500 ms and time of reaching the force of 1 kg (t- criterion ranged from 2,93 to 3,96 at p<0,05), and indicators of the left hand significantly increased. Conclusions. The block program of trainings allowed to improve considerably indicators of heart rate, blood pressure, vital index, coefficient of endurance that helped to achieve the reliable improvement of adaptive potential of young armwrestlers. During the experiment the indicators of strength of 14-15-year-old sportsmen in all test exercises increased significantly, on the basis of these changes the tendency to improvement of time of achievement of maximum force, gradient of force, speed-force index was determined, and results of the indicator of force for 500 ms and time of achievement of force in 1 kg significantly improved. Keywords: armwrestling, young athletes, explosive power, competitive exercises, speed and power indices.

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