
A review of the documents of the personal fond of the corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine Viktor Serhiyovych Pazenok for 1967–2016, which is stored in the Institute of Archival Science of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (hereinafter – IAS VNLU). The purpose of the publication is the species composition analysis and the degree of informativeness of these documents .The methodology is based on the application of historical-comparative, historical-chronological, historical-typological and historical-systemic methods. The research is built using classical scientific approaches and principles: systemicity, integrity, historicism, development, objectivity, etc. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time a wide array of documents of the personal fond of the corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine V. S. Pazenok, which reflect his activities in the field of philosophy of tourism, was introduced into scientific circulation. These included: the texts of the most important articles and abstracts of reports, biographical documents of the scientist, documents on scientific, organizational and publishing activities, photo documents and materials collected by him. The information contained in these documents significantly complements the general picture of the scientific activity of the scientist and specifies his contribution to the development of world science. Prospects for further studies. The scientific component of the personal documents of the correspondent member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V. S. Pazenok presented in the reconnaissance makes it possible to continue studying the biography and scientific heritage of the scientist for a wide range of researchers. This issue can be deepened by further research of various groups of documents from the central state archives of Ukraine and the archives of scientific institutions of the NAS of Ukraine. Conclusions. It was found that the documents of the personal fond of the corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine V. S. Pazenok significantly complement the picture of the scientist in the field of philosophy of tourism in Ukraine.

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