
Purpose. Research initiated by revealing the paradox of disturbed energy balance based on the position of the virial theorem and studying examples of the Van de Graaf generator, a capacitor containing a ferroelectric, and a heat pump capable of providing an energy conversion factor greater than 100%, as well as an idealized theoretical known as the Maxwell demon, showed the possibility of increasing the efficiency of converting current energy into Joule heat. Methodology. The results are verified by comparing the relative efficiency of the conversion of current energy into heat in the oscillatory, critical and aperiodic modes of the transient process in a series oscillating circuit. Mathematical modeling in a wide range of parameter changes has shown the advantage of using the aperiodic transient mode of a series oscillating circuit to convert current energy into heat, compared to the power supply of an electric heating system, which is based on the established method. Experimental tests of the experimental sample fully confirm the qualitative results of mathematical modeling. Results. An achievable limit level of conversion efficiency in the active resistance of energy accumulated by inductance and capacitance according to the virial theorem is established. Originality. For the first time, the application of the aperiodic transient mode in a series oscillatory circuit is proposed in order to convert the energy of current to Joule heat. Practical value. As a practical result, a method of converting current energy into pulse energy has been developed, which implements the algorithm of simultaneous energy accumulation by inductance and capacitance, and its simultaneous conversion in a series oscillating circuit, for which a patent has been obtained. Possibilities of application of the developed method for the purpose of induction heating of metals by Foucault currents as replacement of a method of shock excitation of fluctuations are studied. To this end, the conductivity of metals, which causes the flow of Foucault currents, should be considered as the introduction of equivalent active resistance in the oscillating circuit. The introduction of the method will not require changes in the process equipment, except for the power supply scheme, and should eliminate the fundamental disadvantage of the method of shock excitation of powerful oscillations, which is low efficiency.

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