
Objective of the article is to examine the representation of the mental concept "persistence" in the media discourse. Applied methods: The research is carried out within the framework of the linguo-cognitive approach to linguistic phenomena. The features of the key representative lexeme of the concept "persistence" in subject-predicate syntactic relations are considered on the material of the National Corpus of the Russian language. Results. Research shows that in speech contexts, the lexeme "persistence" mainly expresses two interrelated semantic categories: a character trait and a type of behavior. A significant place in the content of the concept "persistence" is occupied by pragmatic and evaluative cognitive features. In expressing the volitional quality of a person, the emphasis is on the positive-evaluative connotation of the concept under study. Thus, perseverance is considered necessary for various fields of activity. This trait often leads to positive results, evokes positive emotions and feelings in people. In case of designating such behaviors as persistent upholding of one's position, avoiding compromise, etc., in the structure of the concept "persistence", mainly cognitive features with a negative evaluative connotation are distinguished: "incomprehensible, inexplicable and strange behavior", "a factor that interferes that hinders, complicates the implementation of something. " Conclusion. The analysis of the compatibility of the lexeme "persistence" with verbs in the constructions "subject-predicate" on the material of newspaper texts allows us to reveal various aspects of the semantic content of the concept.

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