
The paper explores the issues on the enforcement of judgments and its effectiveness, as well as the access to justice in civil cases. Based on the materials analyzed, the nature of the execution of civil decisions and enforcement proceedings in general is clarified. The abuse of law in the execution of court decisions is investigated. Based on the above analysis, the following types are distinguished: abuse by the claimant of the right to choose the place of enforcement proceedings commencing, the registration by the debtor at his place of residence (which is the sole property of the debtor that can be recovered) of a minor child, the cancellation of the results of electronic bidding through formal technical mistakes of the electronic auction organizer, abuse of the debtor's right to privacy, the initiation of parallel litigation by the debtor on the results of electronic bid- ding while the new owner sues the court to remove obstacles to the use of the premises and evictions, contemptuous attitude of enforcement pro- ceedings participants to the executor while the complaint against the executor's actions is under the court's consideration. The availability of justice in civil cases and the effectiveness of the mechanism for the protection of rights, freedoms and interests are directly linked to the observance of the requirement for irrevocable implementation of court decisions at the level of national law and the existence of effective enforcement mechanisms. The question of the nature of enforcement proceedings and their place in the legal system remains debatable in the civil procedural literature. As a rule, consideration of abuse of procedural rights is conducted in two directions, which do not exclude each other – from the point of view of the evaluation of abuse as a negative procedural phenomenon oranalysis of certain forms of abuse of procedural rights. There are also studies that deny the legitimacy of the design abuse of procedural rights.

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