
The purpose of the article is analyze of the study by the investigator (inquirer) of the psychological characteristics of individuals who use narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, in order to use this information to improve the effectiveness of crime investigation. Given that the investigator often does not possess expertise on the effects of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and the information taken from other sources, in particular, of professional experience related to the participation of drug users in the criminal case in one way or another procedural status (witness, suspect), they need some guidance during the work with this category of persons. The authors highlight the main directions of the investigator's work in criminal cases related to illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. In the course of research of investigative and judicial practice in criminal cases, comparative analysis, a systematic approach, subject-object and dialectical methods are used. The conclusions of the study can be used by the investigator (inquirer) as a recommendation, more actively involve specialists in the field of psychiatry, drug addiction, psychology in the production of investigative actions; carefully analyze the condition of persons involved in the investigation, including minors who use narcotic drugs and are involved in criminal proceedings; prevent and suppress torture and self-harm, as well as the Commission of new crimes by interfering in the process of forming criminal behavior of a drug-dependent person.

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