
The article is devoted to the problem of the application of criminal law measures to a legal entity in the context of the study of individual criminological problems of prevention and countermeasures against the commission of criminal offenses against participants in criminal proceedings. The article draws attention to the fact that the commission of a criminal offense is not the only and exclusive reason for the possibility of applying some other criminal-legal measures provided for by the Criminal Code of Ukraine. In particular, the facts of committing certain acts that are only outwardly similar to a criminal offense can also be such a reason. In such a case, the problem of applying coercive criminal-legal measures against legal entities is worthy of attention, since the legal entity is not held criminally liable in the form of a punishment, but the state reacts in the form of criminal-legal measures. The application of criminal-legal measures against legal entities simultaneously with the prosecution of the perpetrator of a criminally illegal act is one additional means of combating the commission of criminal offenses, including regarding participants in criminal proceedings. The unconditional progressiveness of establishing in the current Criminal Code of Ukraine the norms on the application of measures of criminal legal influence to legal entities is confirmed, as evidenced by the successful experience of some member states of the European Union. The application of a specific measure of criminal legal influence to a legal entity is determined by the court in the indictment in which the natural authorized person is found guilty of committing on behalf and/or in the interests of such a legal entity one of the criminal offenses provided for in Art. 96-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, and she was assigned a specific type and amount of punishment. The specified measures of a criminal legal nature are a specific means of bringing legal entities in criminal proceedings to the so-called "quasi-criminal responsibility", which is undoubtedly an additional tool for the prevention and prevention of criminal offenses, including and regarding subjects of criminal proceedings.

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