
Objective: to analyze differential diagnostic parameters in patients with moderate bronchial asthma with pulmogenic arterial hypertension with essential arterial hypertension. Material and Methods: 25 patients with moderate bronchial asthma with pulmogenic arterial hypertension (the 1st group) and 25 patients with moderate bronchial asthma with essential arterial hypertension (the 2nd group) were included in the study. Both groups of patients received step therapy (berodual + inhaled glucocorticosteroids). All patients underwent complex ultrasound examination of intracardiac hemodynamics, examination of blood flow in the right ventricle excretory tract. Systemic arterial pressure was measured according to N. S. Korotkov’s method. ECG was studied (24-hour monitoring). Cold test (at -20 °C-40 °C) was performed in both groups of patients, blood gas composition and pulmonary ventilation function indices were studied. Results: As a result of research established reliable differences in the spirographic indices, blood gas composition in patients with moderate bronchial asthma with pulmogenic arterial hypertension (the 1st group), and reliable differences in partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide (p < 0,05). The 1st group of patients has also higher values of PaCO2 and reliably (p < 0,0,5) and lower values of PaO2, SaO2 in comparison with the comparison group of patients with bronchial asthma of average severity with essential arterial hypertension (the 2nd group). Our data have shown, that in the 1st and 2nd group patients systolic-diastolic cardiac function indexes reliably (p < 0,05; p < 0,001) differed from those ones in healthy subjects. At the same time systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery in the 1st group patients was higher than in the 2nd group patients, and left ventricular ejection fraction was significantly different from that in healthy people and was lower in the 1st group patients than in the 2nd group. We have revealed a reliable correlation between systolic blood pressure and Sа02 (r = 0,52, p < 0,05), studied after cold test, which confirmed the hypothesis of the formation of pulmogenic arterial hypertension against the background of hypoxia. More pronounced changes of FEV1, Sа02, systolic blood pressure in group 1 patients were to some extent due to significant cold hyperresponsiveness in this category of patients. Conclusions: the results of our studies have shown that the decrease of FEV1, FEV50, FEV75, PaO2, SaO2, increased systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery, signs of right heart hypertrophy, disturbances of systolic-diastolic heart function were more pronounced in moderate bronchial asthma patients with pulmogenic arterial hypertension than in moderate bronchial asthma patients with essential arterial hypertension. The proportion of patients (in %) with rhythm disturbances, especially sinus tachycardia, extrasystoles were detected significantly more frequently in group 1 patients than in group 2 patients, which was due to a more pronounced disturbance of systolic-diastolic heart function, higher systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery in persons with moderate bronchial asthma with pulmogenic arterial hypertension.

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