
The article proposes an improved methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the material transportation and evacuation subsystem in a separate mechanized brigade, which can be used to assess the effectiveness of the rear power system of a separate mechanized brigade during combat operations. The efficiency of completing tasks related to the transportation and evacuation of material assets is mainly influenced by the degree of staffing of automobile units and the condition of vehicles, which is indicated by the coefficient of technical readiness. Also taken into account is the degree of use of carrying capacity and number of flights of vehicles, physical and geographical conditions of the combat area, season and time of the day. All this can significantly affect the daily mileage of vehicles and the fulfillment of tasks related to the transportation and evacuation of material assets. An improved methodology is provided for assessing the effectiveness of the material supply subsystem in a separate mechanized brigade, which can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the rear support system of a separate mechanized brigade during combat operations. During the study of the process of rear support of troops, an important theoretical and practical task is to evaluate the effectiveness of the material resources (MR) transportation and evacuation subsystems in a separate mechanized brigade (smbri) during combat operations. Certain approaches to solving this problem have been developed in a number of sources. However, the experience of the Anti-Terrorist operation in the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions and other armed conflicts of recent decades indicates the need to improve the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the subsystem of transporting and evacuation MR, which would take into account changes in the requirements for the subsystem of transporting and evacuation MR to the separate mechanized brigade, and increase the efficiency of the logistics support system as a whole. Keywords: separate mechanized brigade, rear support, system efficiency, material resources transportation and evacuation, vehicles, automobile units, transportation of material resources.

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