
Summary. Investigation purpose – to compare an effectivity and safety of implementation of schemes of analgesia based on nefopam and tramadol in conditions of medical evacuation by sanitary vehicles with mine-explosion trauma (MET); to determine a possibility of its usage as an alternative for drugs analgetic. Materials and methods of the investigation. Calls maps (form 110/u) of crews of Center of sanitary aviation and urgent medical treatment of All-Russian Center of Disaster Medicine “Zashchita” of Federal State Budget Organization “SSC – Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A.I. Burnazyan” of FMBA of Russia. Patients were divided into 2 groups. Each group contained 8 people. A scheme with nefopam and non-steroid anti-inflammation medicines (NSAIM) was used for analgesia in the first group. There was a scheme with tramadol and NSAIM in the second group. Investigation results and their analysis. A usage of nefopam combined with NSAIM in patient with MET in conditions of prolonged medical evacuation by sanitary vehicles is not inferior in its efficiency to the combination of tramadol with NSAIM and has some benefits to stability and frequency of side effects. A nefopam usage as a component of multimodal scheme of analgesia as an alternative to tramadol can be recommended by medical specialists who provide treatment for patients during military actions. Nefopam doesn’t contain in the list of potent and toxic substances. This fact gives organization and logistics benefits during nefopam usage in conditions of emergency situation.

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