
The influence of different concentrations of the indolebutyric acid (ІВА) during the claying of the root system on morphometric rates of the scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings on the waste heap of coal mines and the pitch pine (Pinus rigida Mill.) in the conditions of growth on technogenic substrates of a dump in model experiments was studied. It was found that the application of the claying method of the pine root system with the simultaneous addition of the IВА contributes to a significant increase of the growth parameters of aboveground phytomass and development of the root system both model and field experiments. The largest number of roots in the pitch pine (laboratory conditions) was stimulated concentrations of the IBA – 100 and 200 mg / kg of clay on a black substrate (296 %), and of the roots mass of the same concentrations – on the red substrate (795 % and 788 %, respectively). On the black substrate all concentrations of the indolebutyric acid (50, 100, 200 mg / kg of clay) much better stimulated shoot length, in particular the IBA of 100 mg / kg of clay (244 %). On the red substrate under the action of the IBA all the ratios to clay shoot growth was slower than on the black. However, a significant accumulation of his biomass was observed, in particular at a concentration of the IВА 100 mg / kg of clay – 554 %. It was studied that of the scotch pine seedlings, which grew on the waste heap of the Central Сoncentrating Factory during 2 and 3 years, also increased their morphometric parameters with using of clay and the indolеbutyric acid in different concentrations. It was found that in 2-year-old spruce seedlings the maximum phytomass of the shoot (438 %) was set at the ratio of IВА to clay – 100 mg / kg of clay. Indolеbutyric acid at concentrations of 100 and 200 mg / kg of clay significantly affected on formation of root biomass in plants – 748 % and 690 %, respectively. In the 3-rd year of growth of the scotch pine on technogenic substrates, a significant accumulation of the root mass was observed at concentrations of indolebutyric acid of 100 and 200 mg / kg of clay – 1168–1189 %, respectively. Aboveground phytomass was the largest (777 %) at a concentration 100 mg / kg of clay. It is established that the optimal concentration for plant ontogenesis is the indolebutyric acid at the ratio of 100 mg / kg of clay in both model and field experiments.

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