
The article compares two autobiographical works by A.P. Keshokov — the story «The View from the White Mountain» and the story «Whose stirrup we held». This work tracks the specific mani-festations of the writers various hypostases, the peculiarities of the relationship between the au-thor of the depicting and the author of the depicted, the scale of the image of his own image, the "location" that he assigns to his own image in the space and time of the work, emotional contrasts, determining the value vector of the development of events. It is noteworthy that the writer's return to a fragment of his biography once told reveals very significant semantic discrepancies between the two works. The writer could not help but realize that these discrepancies would not escape the attention of his readers. And in these moments, the axiological aspect of the named story and the very fact of returning to the previously illuminated is clarified. The convergence of two autobio-graphical works by the same writer reveals differences not only in the depiction's completeness of events and persons, but also very noticeable changes in the value attitude towards them. relation-ship between the author of the depicting and the author of the depicted, the scale of the image of his own image, the "location" that he assigns to his own image in the space and time of the work, emotional contrasts that determine the value vector of the development of events. It is noteworthy that the writer's return to a fragment of his biography once told reveals very significant semantic discrepancies between the two works. The writer could not help but realize that these discrepan-cies would not escape the attention of his reader. And in these moments, the axiological aspect of the named story and the very fact of returning to the previously illuminated is clarified. The con-vergence of two autobiographical works by the same writer reveals differences not only in the completeness of the depiction of events and persons, but also very noticeable changes in the value attitude towards them.

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