
The article covers the highlighted experience of using the case method as an element of an educational session in order to improve the assimilation of educational material during the teaching of educational disciplines of the Department of Logistics with the aim of future border guard officers’ competencies formation regarding the organization of military (ship) management in the units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The research found that in order to form the competences of future border guard officers regarding the organization and management of the military (ship) economy, it is expedient to consider (to use) cases as events that actually took place in the state border protection bodies and units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and can be the basis for discussion during classes. The created list of circumstances related to violations of legislation in the field of financial and economic activity and their consequences gave teachers the opportunity to use them as real examples that took place in the everyday activities of state border protection bodies and units regarding the organization and management of the military (ship) economy. The analysis of scientific literature, the experience of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Logistics, consultations with active officers who carry out the organization and management of the military (ship) economy in the bodies and units of the state border protection of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine made it possible to form a list of information materials on the basis of which situational tasks can be updated for filling cases. Also, the research established that the dynamics of the possibilities of the case method during its application in the educational disciplines of the Department of Logistics will be positive if the necessary pedagogical conditions are applied, as well as criteria capable of providing future officers with the necessary competence in the organization and management of military (ship) economy in the units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Key words: case method, military (ship) management, competencies, future officers, pedagogical conditions.

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